project ... [urban planning]
location ... Sweden, Gothenburg, Eketrägatan
year ... 2023
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    Proposal of a new urban development situated adjacent to the traffic-heavy Hjalmarbrantingsgatan, north of the city center of Gothenburg, Sweden. My aim was to create an intimate urban neighborhood characterized by a low traffic load, high walkability, appealing public squares, and high permeability.
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    To manage traffic flow effectively, access from Hjalmarbrantingsgatan is restricted. One-way low-speed zones are implemented across the majority of streets within the development and a deliberate emphasis is placed on shared spaces in public areas. The buildings are thoughtfully spaced within the grid to enhance permeability, and the gables of houses facing intersections are pushed back to create additional public space.
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    The scale of the development is successively lowered from north to south, harmonizing with the scale of the surrounding areas. The taller office buildings to the north align with the adjacent VOLVO-industry zone, while the two-story rowhouses to the south are in proportion with the nearby residential area.
(1) Rendered image of view down main walking street
(2) Site plan
(3) Section of a street proportion and through whole area.
(4) Axonometric drawing of the main plaza
(5) Axonometric drawing of the entrance plaza
(6) Axonometric drawing of townhouse area
(7) Axonometric drawing of the neighborhood square
(8) Rendered image of meeting between townhouses and larger buildings