project ... [competition entry]
location ... Woodlawn, Chicago, Illinois
collaborator ... Sofia Ingvarsson
year ... 2024
“A college with a very strong music and vocal program intends to construct a new 1,200-seat performance hall primarily for opera. Although the main purpose of the hall is to support their opera program, the hall will also be used for speaking engagements by the school’s president and other invited speakers. The hall should engage the public and strive to contribute to the campus as a whole, while also being functional as an interactive and adaptable learning environment for the school’s opera program. Furthermore, the building and site should strive to be inclusive and welcoming to the surrounding area.”

(1) Plan of the three volumes housing the opera

(2) Rendered facade image of the inflatable openable hatches and lowered entrance plaza

(3) Rendered facade image of the inflatable openable hatches and lowered entrance plaza

(4) Section and plan showing first reflection scattering

(5) Acoustical diagrams showing gain with distance and reverberation time for different frequencies in different rooms

(6) Rendered Image showing the smallest volume housing café and study area for the campus.

(7) Rendered image of the lowered entrance plaza.

(8) Rendered image of the lobby and spiral staircase leading to the balcony corridors. To the right is shoe storage.

(9) Rendered image of the rehearsal room with adaptable wall hatches for creating different acoustical environments.

(10) Rendered section of the opera hall showing the orchestra pit, balconies, and parquet.

(11) Axonometric drawing of the parquet when visitors arrive.

(12) Axonometric drawing of the parquet when visitors start opening hatches to reveal their integrated seating in the floor.

(13) Axonometric drawing of the parquet with hatches fully open.

(14) Axonometric drawing of the balconies when visitors arrive.

(15) Axonometric drawing of the balconies when visitors start pulling down their hatches to reveal viewing windows.

(16) Axonometric drawing of the balcony hatches fully open.

(17) Site model of the tree volumes and plazas.