project ... [site-built benches]
location ... Sweden, Dorotea, Borgafjäll
year ... 2023
status ... finished
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     Site-built benches with integrated seating for Skicabin. Developed a grasshopper tool that inputs a reference footprint curve and generates structurally logical wooden frames and plywood sheets. A hatch is added to the uppermost layers intended to be used as a cover for the storage compartment and as a backrest for seating. 
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    Getting the angle of the hatch right for optimal seating position, figuring out the amount of material necessary for construction, and the fact that two benches needed to be produced justified the creation of the tool. The script is intentionally general, hopefully broadening its usability in future projects.

(1) Rendered view of bench by windows
(2) Animation of use of script and changeable parameters
(3) Whole script
(4) Three main code-clusters
(5) Exploded isometric drawing of structure
(6) Material
(7) Material
(8) Closed hatches
(9) Opened hatches